Individual Cuddle Sessions, Massage Treatments & Personal Guidance (also via PGB). In addition, connecting Performances, Workshops and other Group Activities that are added to the agenda.
Before diving into the content of what my practice offers, let me briefly explain its name to you. Lepeltje Lepeltje literally translates to “Little spoon Little spoon”, it also means “Spooning” meant as cuddling. Knuffelsessies & Massage translates as “Cuddle Sessions & Massages”. So now you know.
A cuddle session is about touch, relaxation and sincere attention. Think of spooning, holding each other, have a good conversation, watching a movie together or being read to by cuddle therapist Carollyne Tjong Ayong.
Those who like to close the day together with someone may want to use the special tuck in service. We’ll make an evening appointment for a cuddle session and/or massage and talk about your day. After that you can go to bed calm and relaxed. Carollyne will tuck you in and will gently close the door behind her when she leaves. Timing to be discussed.
Carollyne is a qualified massage therapist and can give you a relaxing or pain reducing massage before the cuddle session. It’s also possible to schedule only a massage treatment. She started as a sports massage therapist, working with oil on bare skin. She since has discovered that other techniques in which the recipient remains fully dressed are more effective, as wel for prevention as for injury treatment and relaxation. For more information take a look at Education.
- Therapeutic Thai Massage & Traditional Thai bodywork for relaxation. You lie on a warm massage mat and various parts of your body are gently compressed, pulled, rocked and stretched. If needed acupressure points will also be used.
- Therapeutic Carollyne In Motion treatment. A combination of live music therapy and a therapeutic body treatment with our full attention for your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
- Pulsing. You lie on a warm massage mat. You are held gently and rocked rhythmically.
- Company massage is also an option.
- After prior consultation, the treatments can possibly take place on a special ergonomic chair massage chair or massage table.
- For info on Personal Guidance click here.
Carollyne also provides regular Thai Yoga Massage & Bodywork classes, click here for information and registration.

Cuddle Sessions & Massage: touch, relaxation and sincere attention – Photography © pictureman
Call or e-mail to make an appointment.
You can visit the pleasant practice for a massage treatment on a heated futon and/or a cuddle session on a special Terapy cushion. The grains of this cushion assume the shape of a soft cocoon around your body so you can relax completely.
In consultation it is possible that Carollyne comes to you for a home visit. Conditions for home visits are that it concerns a smoke-free home.
Do you urgently need an appointment, but is your financial situation too limited? It is my intention to make my treatments accessible to everyone, so I have decided to let go of my rates for the time being.
These used to be my rates. You could use them as donation suggestion.
All individual sessions are:
Session per 2 hours: €140,-
For longer sessions: €30,- for each additional half hour.
From 2021 I for now no longer work for money and rely on donations according to capacity and well-being.
Of course I still need money to support myself so I can continue my work, helping everyone transform pain, discomfort and stress to relief, relaxation and rest.
Do you have a warm heart for me and do you want to support me? This can be done with a one-off or recurring donation, click here for more information. You can also become an ambassador and support in other ways.
Q & A
What does the name of your practice mean?My practice name is “Lepeltje Lepeltje Knuffelsessies & Massage”. Lepeltje Lepeltje literally translates to “Little spoon Little spoon”, it also means “Spooning” meant as cuddling. Knuffelsessies & Massagetranslates as “Cuddle Sessions & Massages”. So now you know.
Who are the cuddle sessions for?For anyone who is in need of touch, relaxation and sincere attention. Anyone is welcome and will get a chance to experience relaxation. From twentysomethings to seniors and children, people who are (temporarily) single or whose spouse has deceased, people with partners, single parents and pregnant women, people with a disability, illness or who suffer from depression, business people with crowded agendas, survivors of a fire and people with big scars. But also if you’re not in this list you are welcome.
(For people with physical disabilities who use wheelchairs: unfortunately my practice is not equipped with lifting elevators and similar equipment. However, I am familiar with these systems, and a home visit might be an appropriate option.)
Are cuddle sessions only individual or can I bring a partner?Like massages, cuddle sessions are given individually. It is also possible to come for a cuddle session or guided massage with a partner. (The additional rate for the partner was €60. Since I’ve decided to live from donations you could use this rate as donation suggestion.)
Are cuddle sessions only individual or also in a group?Like massages, cuddle sessions are given individually. In addition I offer workshops. Since May of 2016 I have joined forces with Relaxation Expert Martijn Mulder for special workshops
Relaxation & Cuddling where you learn how to relax, make contact and set boundaries. We do this through relaxation exercises, exercises in pairs or with the whole group. And of course there is cuddling involved.
Do you have experience with people with trauma or PTSD? And what does a session look like?Yes, I have experience with people who have experienced physical and emotional trauma. During massage treatments and cuddle sessions we discuss what is pleasant for you in that moment, and I adapt the techniques to that. This way you keep control, you feel safe during the session and you can learn to feel safe in your own body again. I have helped many people this way.
What are the benefits of cuddling?Contact with other people is very important. When touched, your body reduces the production of stress hormones (e.g. cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline) and increases the production of hormones that make you feel comfortable (e.g. oxytocin, endorphins and serotonin). During a cuddle session all kinds of processes take place in your body that help generate physical and mental relaxation. Clients give feedback that their pain and other (chronic) complaints are decreasing and that their sleep is significantly improved.
Read the reviews here.
Can a cuddle session turn into having sex?Absolutely not, under any conditions. Lepeltje Lepeltje Knuffelsessies & Massage only offers compasionate cuddle sessions and no passionate cuddle sessions. There are no sexual or erotic services. This is made clear both when you make the appoinment and at the beginning of the cuddle session to avoid misunderstandings. In the event of inappropriate behavior or improper requests occur, the session is terminated immediately.
What happens if I get aroused during a cuddle session?It can happen, but it will be not addressed. If necessary we can take a short break.
Can I talk during the cuddle session?You may certainly talk. A cuddle session is your time to relax, talk, listen to music, watch a movie, enjoy the silence or take a nap.
What do I do when I feel uncomfortable of become emotional?Sometimes during a cuddle session emotions suddenly come to the surface. This is all normal and allowed. You can put it to words or choose to let what you are feeling be what it is, without words. A pause, a sip of water or a different cuddle position is always possible. A comfortable and friendly way to deal with it will always be found.
What kind of clothes should I wear?You can wear regular clothes or bring comfortable clothing. A jogging suit or sweatpants are fine. You can also borrow a clothing set provided by Lepeltje Lepeltje Knuffelsessies & Massage. During cuddle sessions everyone always at least wears underwear, trousers and a T-shirt with short sleeves, althought long sleeves are preferred. You can change into other clothes before the session starts.
How can I make an appointment for a cuddle session?Just
e-mail or call and if you get my voicemail, leave your name and number and I’ll call you back as soon as possible.
Is it possible to schedule an evening appointment?Yes, you can schedule your cuddle session during the day, evening or on weekends.
Call or e-mail to schedule an appointment.
Can I smoke during a cuddle session?No smoking during the session, and preferably also not right before the session begins. It is nice if you want to take into account me (therapist and lung patient) and sensitive clients who come after you.
Are there any hygiene rules or corona rules?A number of house rules and hygiene rules certainly apply in my practice, you can
view them here.
Must I wear clothing provided by Lepeltje Lepeltje Knuffelsessies & Massage during a cuddle session?You can borrow the clothing if you like, but you can also wear your own comfortable clothes. You can change clothes before the session starts.
What does the practice space actually look like?To get an impression of my practice space you can
look at some pictures here.
Are home visits possible?Home visits in Amsterdam are possible on request. Conditions for home visits are that it concerns a smoke-free home, there are no pets in the (sleeping) area and there is clean bedding.
Can I just walk in for an appointment?Call or e-mail before coming to the practice. During a treatment it is disturbing if the doorbell rings. Due to home visits I am not always in the practice. It would be unfortunate for you if the door is closed and no one is present to answer.
Where can I park and what is the rate?You can park in the street or in the parking garage around the corner.
Parking in the street (the closest)
• Hour rate € 6,00 Mon–Sat 9:00 – 24:00.
• Hour rate € 6,00 Sunday 12:00 – 24:00.
Parking garage ParkBee Pestana Riverside – Tolstraat 186 (around the corner)
• Hour rate € 5,00.
• Maximum day rate € 40,00 per 24 hours.
The garage can be busy,
make a reservation in advance and check for updated rates.
Cheaper parking option (5-10 minutes walk)
> Find on googlemaps Lutmastraat209A (my address) and the corner of Amstelkade and Rijnstraat. Then go to zoom in and find Lutmastraat in the orange plane and Amstelkade/Rijstraat in the gray-blue plane. Click on the plane to see te rate.
• Hour rate € 4,50 (I think Mon – Sat 9:00-24:00 and Sun 12:00-24:00, but this is not on the website so it could also be Mon – Sat 9:00 – 21:00 and Sun free like in Rivierenbuurt Amsterdam Zuid.)
> One parking zone more south purple-blue plane Rivierenbuurt Amsterdam Zuid. Choose one of the streets crossing Rijstraat, e.g. Lekstraat.
• Hour rate € 4,50 Mon – Sat 9:00 – 21:00.
• Hour rate free on Sunday
Do you have a movie list from which I can choose if I want to watch a movie together?On request we can choose a movie together within appropriate film genres. There is also a wide range of music, but you can also bring your own music or favorite book.
Can I book a cuddle session and be with you longer than two hours?Yes, of course you can. People regularly make an appointment that lasts longer than one hour. We can arrange two and a half or three hours or an entire morning, afternoon or evening. When you make the appointment, you can specify how much time you want to schedule. It is possible to extend the duration while the session is ongoing, if it fits into my schedule.
How can I change or reschedule my appointment?I reserve time for you and prepare for your treatment. If you unexpectedly have to change or reschedule your appointment, this can be done up to 24 hours in advance by calling or emailing. If you do this within 24 hours, or if you absent unannounced, I am forced to charge you the reserved time. You will then receive an absence invoice according to the former rates.
In the agenda you find the available activities and you can book your participation.